snavtclient =<

Free Open Source AV TECH CCTV DVR Client


The snavtclient(1) manual page describes all the command line options and keyboard bindings. It should be available after installation by typing:

man snavtclient

A brief summary of all command line options is available by typing:

snavtclient --help

You may check your snavtclient and SDL version by typing:

snavtclient --version

There is currently no GUI for setting up anything. You need to start the program from command line or from a script.

Video display and camera channel selection

Basic example for showing the output of your DVR on your display would be:

snavtclient -s -H -u myuser -p mypass

Or with long, more descriptive options with the same meanings:

snavtclient --show --dvruser=myuser --dvrpass=mypass

You can quit the video display with ESC key. You can switch CCTV camera channels by pressing number or function keys (1 = camera input channel #1, 2 = camera #2, 0 = camera #10, F1 = camera #11, F2 = camera #12, etc.). See the snavtclient(1) manual page for full details.

For some video display settings there is a command-line flag. For other SDL video display related settings, see the documentation about SDL environment variables at

For example to make the video window appear at the display coordinates [100,50] you could do the following:

SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS=100,50 snavtclient --show -H

Video frame recording

You could put this in your crontab to make an image from your DVR updating every minute available for inclusion to your home page:

* * * * * /usr/local/bin/snavtclient -j /your/public_html/dvr.jpg -H -q 0 -u cron -p supersecret

The program makes sure that the output file always exists and is always a complete frame (that is if your operating system implements rename() correctly). If you want the image to update every second, it is better to have snavtclient running in the background:

snavtclient --dumpjpeg=/your/public_html/dvr.jpg --dumpcount=999999 --dumpinterval=1 --dvruser=foo --dvrpass=bar &

If you want every JPEG frame to go in to a different file, you can specify for example --dumpjpeg=/some/path/foo@.jpg. The @ character in the file name is replaced with an auto-incrementing 6 digit sequence number and you would end up with files named foo000001.jpg, foo000002.jpg, foo000003.jpg and so on in /some/path.

E-mail handling script

You could put the following line in your /etc/mail/aliases:

alarm-email: "| /usr/local/sbin/snavtclient-email"

You should only do the above after manually editing the script and changing the $datadir variable to point to a suitable location. Please note that if anything goes wrong with the script, it will spit its error message to standard output, and thus the From addressee of the e-mail will receive a bounce containing the error message. So please configure your DVR to use a From address which goes back to yourself.

Last Updated on Saturday, 16 August 2008 04:50

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